


Oh, man, we've had a pooful week.

Seymour's been away most of the week mountain biking and work-retreating, with my blessings. I don't really mind being at home with my trio, but had to admit that my brain blew a few circuits on the 17th, when Leelo had his first bedtime shitstorm in years (complete with Rothko-esque treatment of the textured walls I already thought were nasty), Mali stayed up until midnight, I worked until 1 AM, and then poor Iz had the involuntary squirts from 2 to 4 AM.

But still, when I woke up, I was able to laugh at it all. Especially after Seymour got home at 6:30 and Jennyalice took me out and got me so drunk that I had to leave my car downtown (Sage drove us home; DoubleTrouble and Licia kept us company but didn't drink nearly so much. Note to self: pitchers are bad if you need to track your alcohol consumption).

Then yesterday, Mali went into the living room, sat down on the newly-shampooed, still damp rug (Seymour's folks are coming to see our "new house" on Friday), put her hand down the back of her pants, and pulled out a wad to smear all over the ground. WTF?

Now Leelo's got a bug. He was up all night barfing and pooing (Seymour got that shift, poor guy) and may do so again tonight.

I am sick of poo! I declare a poo moratorium, and will be distributing corks shortly. Let me know if you need any.

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