
Attitudes Under the Avalanche

Not sure when I'll dig out from under the avalanche that was the past few months, in terms of getting anything at all done ever including the occasional post. Though I have just finished all the laundry from our recent week-long barf-and-poop family symphony; there is that. (Seymour alone escaped illness, if not house-arrest drudgery.) So I'm going to send you elsewhere:

I only now watched Emily's remarkable video about autism parenting, attitudes, and advocacy:

This week's Can I Sit With You? story is quite a raucous one: high school shop, boys, bullying, and defensive urination techniques. Plus lots of swearing!

We have to let love rule! (But don't forget to sign the petition.)

"Fidelity": Don't Divorce... from Courage Campaign on Vimeo.

We had lice scare a few weeks ago, so I plucked the kids out of school for the day and headed to the Monterey Bay Aquarium. **Just me and my three kids**. We had a lovely outing. This should give you some sense of just how fucking awesome Risperdol has been for Leelo, so far.
Leo Spends Half the Time Looking Out at the Ocean

Have a good weekend, Blogosphere.

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1 comment:

  1. Isn't it amazing, yet sad. We spend so much time doing everything to keep our kiddos off meds. They seem like the a failure on our part. And then, they help to give us a new child. I was thinking today that I am enjoying my son more than I ever have in his life, in no small part to the drugs. They are certainly not the answer to all the problem and I worry about the future. But, it is nice when they work, huh?


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