Here are five recommendations for young readers, all favorite family favorites, all ones that newly-six-year-old Miss Mali and I both agree are not just keepers but worth daily go-overs:
The Day Leo Said I Hate You tells of a loving but fiery little boy named Leo (the best name in the world, though this Leo is conversational). Leo gets angry and -- having overheard his mother use the word "hate" about broccoli -- decides to test out the phrase "I hate you" on her when her thoroughly reasonable but firm parenting choices make him angry. He is instantly horrified over having said something so hurtful, but his mother skillfully uses silliness and honesty to talk him through and past his penitence. It's a sweet, lovely, useful book, with lively illustrations.
The illustrator, Molly Bang, also created our family's beloved When Sophie Gets Angry--Really, Really Angry...
We also love love love love My Name is Not Isabella by Jennifer Fosberry, in which a small and also intense, capricious, and clever girl spends a day declaring herself alternately named "Annie" (Oakley), "Sally" (Ride), "Rosa" (Parks), and "Marie" (Curie), and telling of the historically accurate things she will be doing as she channels each notable woman's persona. Fosberry's light, deft take makes each scene a romp rather than a lesson, and she includes biographies at the back for the kids (and parents) who get hooked and want to know more. Note to the author: A starting point for the sequel could be the Rosalind Franklin episode from the My Favourite Scientist website -- brought to you by the wonderful Periodic Videos folks from the University of Nottingham. Note to parents of inspired children: budding scientists can get find the coolest gear at Educational Innovations or American Science & Surplus.
Are you all done with happy pink &/or good fairy crap like Disney Fairies
Babymouse is also quite awesome -- as a character and as a series. My girls are completely hooked on Babymouse's slightly neurotic but always exciting daydreaming and waking life adventures, whether our hero is a Rock Star
Tell Me a Dragon is possibly the most beautifully illustrated children's book we own, and features various children's imaginings (so we're told) of their dragons' appearance and personalities -- and shows the dragons in forms you may have not considered, all hail dragon diversity! If, like Mali, your child champions The Lord of the Rings' fiery Balrog demon
For those looking for even last minute-ier gifts, I'll be publishing reviews of both Mali's and Leo's favorite iPad apps next Monday and Tuesday.
Disclosure: I was sent review copies of The Day Leo Said I Hate You and My Name Is Isabella, but was not otherwise compensated in any way. This review is entirely my own opining, and features not one scrap of promotional copy. Jennifer Holm, who writes Babymouse, sent us a copy of Cupcake Tycoon (Babymouse #13) but did so well after and in fact because we were established fans.
Forwarded a couple of these to my sister for consideration for my niece, who is exactly the kind of child you describe in your opening paragraph. Kind of like her aunt, her grandmother, et al.
ReplyDeleteExcellent! I'll be checking these out! Comments like, it sounds like a zoo over there, and my house was never this loud when my kids were growing up aren't unusual around here so these should fit!
ReplyDeleteSounds like a good list!
ReplyDeleteSince you mentioned "A Bad Case of the Stripes" I thought you might enjoy a semi-celebrity reading of it.
click through to about the fourth page - its a fun free site that I discovered when I was substituting for an elementary librarian - the kids listened to the story, then made their own lists of favourites and "I hates" using kidpics.
Emily - they don't grow 'em boring in Texas, is all I heard.
ReplyDeleteLisa - sounds like our two households are actually from parallel universes. Like a combination of Fringe and Big.
Foodmathquilts - what an excellent site! Thank you. But I take issue with "semi-celebrity" as that's Sam F'n Gamgee doing the reading. :)
Bless you for putting Tell Me a Dragon on your list. This is the sort of review that means so much to me! And I love the tag line for your blog, being something of a potty mouthed mum myself.
ReplyDeleteThe dragons in the book are real, not imagined. They belong, but not in the sense of ownertship but in the sense of heart-joined and soul-joined to the children on each page.
The book was conceived as an idea of how to inspire children to realise that everybody imagines things in different ways, neither one more right than the other. It has become much more than that.
Thanks again, from me and from teh many dragons who live with me.
Jackie, how lovely to hear from you!
ReplyDeleteMali read your comment, and as a result spent our morning carpool assuring her friends that dragons are real, and telling of their magnificent variety (she says her own dragon is a feathered serpent).
Do you have any recommendations for the slightly younger set? At present, my daughter is in that space in between older board books and "big kid books" with good illustrations and a good rhythm.
ReplyDeleteBabymouse and Frannie! Or Owly -- a wordless kids' graphic novel series.