From Leelo's daily record spreadsheet. Some really remarkable language and behavior.
LanguageAlso he put himself to bed last night. Went into his room at 9 PM, got into his bed, pulled up the covers, said, "Good night, Mommy," and rolled over. I shut the door and didn't hear another peep from him until the next morning -- at 7 AM. He slept for 10 hours, without being sick or on any kind of sleep-aiding medication. A mom could get used to that. I don't remember the last time he slept for more than 8 hours, so this was really a fantastic treat.
"I want to go for a ride! I want to ride on the hanger!" (and pretended to ride on the hanger; later did the same with a strip of window flashing.) Also, "I want my medicine, please" during bathtime, which is when he usually get his Claritin.
Came up to me with a stack of books and said, "Read the books!," which we did. Afterwards, he handed me the stack of books, saying, "Hold the books," and walked away.
Tried to ride his bike! Got on it and tried to pedal/steer; I think he would have succeeded if the bike wasn't too small and rusted. The cool thing about this is that it was an imitation behavior from seeing his older sister riding her bike around the back deck all day long for the past week.
Otherwise he was very good (for me; somewhat non-compliant with Babysitter A). Didn't hit/push me at all until the end of the day.
Held it together without hitting himself or anyone else during 1) a truly (for Leelo) overwhelming restaurant birthday party and then 2) a wild jumpy-house birthday party at our old house. Very grumpy before then as his dad was away overnight camping and we were out of straws; he kept hitting his head and would not be calmed until we got in the car and took a drive to go get some more straws.