


OMG, you guys, Jennyalice and I totally started a new blog!

It's true. And it's for three good reasons: Leelo's Special Ed PTA needs money if we're ever going to start making a difference in our community; Iz and her friends are starting to play thorny and hurtful mind games with each other; and I get really fucking depressed if I don't have a project.

This blog is going to help solve all three of those problems--if we can get enough help from our good friends both IRL and in the blogosphere. Here is the beseeching spam email we are sending around:
Hello Friends,

Do you remember how the other kids at school made your life hell? Don't you think that story needs to be told? Please?

We're launching a blog today, called Can I Sit With You? The goal of Can I Sit With You (CISWY) is to share our schoolyard horror stories not only amongst ourselves, but also with the children who are experiencing this special form of social purgatory right now. We want them to know that even though what they're going through sucks, they're not alone.

Any proceeds from Can I Sit With You will go directly to our local, fledgling, underfunded, desperately needed Special Education PTA. To that end, we're going to compile the best selections from this blog into a book, which we will start selling in mid-November 2007.

Of course, if you like, you can always donate directly!

Just remember, by sending your stories to ciswysubmissions@gmail.com, you are agreeing to our submission guidelines.
A more thorough plea for submissions can be found in our launch essay. The most important thing for you to know is that we need stories, lots of stories, and soon. We're going to post our first story October 1st, and hope to publish a new one every day.

Please help! We know that you've got the material, as everyone we've talked to about this project immediately got wild-eyed and started jabbering about "This one time in school..." We really believe that CISWY can harness the energy and synergy of the blogosphere for a whole lot of good. You should also feel free to tell anyone you know about the project.

One last thing: CISWY--out of copyright and fundraising necessity--cites some real world names and information. However, CISWY will never link back to this blog, or reference this blog's pseudonyms. I am trusting that my wish to not to expose Squid Rosenberg's association with CISWY except in this space will be respected.

OMG, you guys! Thanks!

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