
Autism Corps: Adult Autistics Join Us, Terri Mauro Supports Us

Jen and I are so pleased to announce that adults autistics Rachel Cohen-Rottenberg and Lindsey Nebeker have agreed to work with us on Autism Corps strategy, and to meet with Michelle Obama should that portion of the campaign come to fruition! (Please sign the petition if you haven't already.)
  • Rachel is a writer, singer, artist and community volunteer, as well as the author of Asperger Journeys. She did not receive her Asperger's diagnosis until mid-life and so is keenly aware of the challenges unsupported people with autism can face in their lifetime, and the specific challenges autism brings to older adults.
  • Lindsey, a young pianist and composer who has been profiled in Glamour Magazine and on Good Morning America, is both the partner and sibling of adults with autism, and so understands adult autistic needs on multiple levels. You can follow Lindsey on Twitter at AutismIsARose.
In separate news, the ever-positive Terri Mauro has made our Michelle Obama / Autism Corps Petition the Site of the Day on SpecialChildren.About.com! We would be grateful if you'd stop by and lend a supportive comment.

And finally, we've started a Facebook Group to support the Autism Corps. Please join, and ask your friends to join.

Thank you, Rachel, Lindsey, and Terri! And thanks to everyone else who continues to show such postive support for this movement, and for the autism and autistic communities in general.

1 comment:

  1. if you want east coast representation when talking to the First Lady... I would so volunteer to be there. I voted for the Obama influence despite a family member shouting "socialism" and "culture of death" in my face. YES, WE CAN!

    Steph T.


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