
First Day of School: Hallelujah!

This is what a third grader, a middle schooler (sixth grade!), and a kindergartener look like right before I march their little bottoms out the door and into the car for a three-fold, three-location drop-kick to their respective schools/buses. (Leo is not snarling, nor does he have indigestion; this is his new take on "smile!")

Bye, darlings! Take your time coming back home!

Don't get me wrong -- we had a lovely summer, full of adventure and visitors and travel and parties and hikes hikes & yet more hikes -- but I am cherishing having my house to myself for the first time in two months. I suspect I'm not the only one tickled about school resuming, hmm?

I shall now scrub the house from top to bottom wearing nothing but my bra and underwear, because I can.


  1. LMAO at the image of you cleaning in your skivvies!

    As much as I know it's for the right reasons, there *are* days I'd kill to be able to send Nik off to school instead of having him at home. *sigh*

  2. Do you think school will be an option eventually? Leo stayed home for a year stretch.

  3. Anonymous11:05 AM

    I would never allow a public school to place a "grade" on a child. Developmentally and academically these children are generally no where near grade level but public school districts place a grade on them so they can just shove them along in the system. Niks mom, I don't blame you for home schooling. The majority of public schools are just glorified babysitting.

  4. VERY NICE! My day is tomorrow and I happen to have the day off. I am very excited!!

  5. Pix or it didn't happen, sucker!!!!!

  6. SJ: You kept your kids out of school so they wouldn't see the Obama speech? RIGHT. Enjoy your enjoyment.

    Badger: u so wish.

  7. Nick started CAVA today and this is the last of the middle school yrs so he is going back to LAUSD next yr. I wish I had my freedom back but next yr it will happen.

    Tomorrow Matt goes. I have painting of walls and cleaning galore and tossing out stuff. I am going to prepare in Jan for next summer so I never have kids home for two full months - hate that camp cancelled and ruined their options. I have been too upset to write about it, but think I will since the camp director never sent any emails over summer, nothing at all so I am not going to be loyal after the way they treated us from 9 yrs of going to camp. I thought Leo took the bus?

  8. Well, anonymous, to be perfectly honest we are homeschooling of necessity rather than choice. The only option in our district is very bad (we already tried it for a year) and we aren't willing to let Nik be placed into what would be as you wrote, essentially "glorified babysitting." That being said, I do know there are many schools out there that do a fine job —no, a stellar job— with the chidlren they serve.

    Shannon, I imagine the day will come when my husband has a job that will give us the freedome to move again into a district with such a school. I can't see myself dong this for the long haul.

    But, hey, if you had told me 6 years ago that I'd be raising Nik...I would've thought you were smoking crack. So...who knows? ;-)

  9. Hee. Whee! I'm know I'm tickled pink to see Tay going off to full day preschool this year. :) He's so ready for it and so are we! Of course, I just get the joy of giving him a hug and kiss before dropping him off and heading to work.

  10. Read an article awhile ago about cleaning in less than you've noted.....Charlie's take on "smile" is to say "smile" (with a lot of the "m" sound) and then to do a kind of clenched teeth freeze thing...... love the bright faces! (And hope you got a lot of cleaning done, and much else.)

  11. Great picture. I'm jeallloouuusss! Abe (6th) started last week and Oscar (3rd) started today but Ruby (prek) has a week to go. We're also doing the 3 school shuffle. I think I'm going to drown in school forms and emergency kits.

  12. Love this post, it is so true. I had a mommy-buzz from the silence and space in the house today. Bliss!

  13. Melissa P.9:37 AM

    I love this picture of your kids~


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