
TPGA on Special Needs Talk Radio

Yesterday the entire TPGA editorial team -- me, Jen Myers, Liz Ditz, Emily Willingham, and Carol Greenburg -- was interviewed by Elise Ronan on Special Needs Talk Radio. It made me incredibly proud to be part of such a smart team of ass-kicking women.

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We talked about the forthcoming TPGA book, why it is so important for both our team and our project to represent an autism cross-section -- parents, Autistics, and professionals; what we hope to accomplish; the fact that the only investment in this all-volunteer project is our own blood, sweat, and tears (and, OK, occasionally the blood of non-critical-thinkers); and that we created this project to be a one-stop resource for families and individuals new to autism, to help them fast-forward pass the negativity and misinformation from organizations that may appear legitimate to new autism parents and the newly-diagnosed. And oh, a lot more.

A correction: rather horrifyingly, and in my nervousness, I bungled the name of ASAN -- the Autistic Self-Advocacy Network, www.autisticadvocacy.org -- and want the org referred to made absolutely clear. I cited ASAN in highlighting their new project for helping people with autism navigate college -- appropriately enough called www.NavigatingCollege.org. Please check out the new site and broadcast it widely!

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