If she was Iz, at this age (3 yrs, 3 mos) we would be having intense conversations about eating like carnivores vs. vegetarians, and she would have been writing her name and drawing proportionate people with eyeballs and pupils and fingers, for months. Mali drew a happy face about a year ago and since then has only scribbled. She talks non-stop, but is only now starting to process and think about the world around her. Then again, if she was Leelo, at just over three she would mentally be on the moon, except when with therapists. I know we're lucky.
And I don't know why I'm conditioned to be disappointed about Mali being just a normal kid. She is delightful and I should be happy. Everyone has told me that she is fine: I have several extensive evaluations by national experts in the field of child development, documenting her on-track growth in all areas, as well as her brightness.
Maybe it's that we've had a kid who wandered off the typical developmental path, and because of that I won't stop worrying about Mali's development until she reaches adulthood.
Oh hai, here's the video version:
Technorati Tags: autism, autism blog, autism siblings, autistic
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