Please help support SEPTAR, the Special Education PTA of Redwood City (of which I am a founding member) by doing your web searches or setting your home page to:
Simply go to, select SEPTAR as your designated Goodsearch beneficiary, and that's it! SEPTAR will get a donation every time you use Goodsearch to search the web.
You can further support SEPTAR when you shop at, etc. via the shopping area at the bottom of the Goodsearch home page.
Thank you for helping SEPTAR provide our local special needs community with even more speakers, events, and support! More information on the good things we're doing can be found at
Technorati Tags: GoodSearch, SEPTAR, special education, special education fundraising, special education PTA
SEPTAR has earned 2x as much money since you posted this! Thanks to your readers for supporting our kids and their Special Ed PTA! And thanks to you for always kicking ass!