I Have a Right to Sing the Blues
Yes, for fuck's sake, there are people in the world worse off than me. Doesn't mean it doesn't suck to have two sick kids and one sick husband and a broken dishwasher and a broken clotheswasher and ants everywhere and a house so full of crap that every available surface has a disorganized pile sitting on it and my one night off to have dinner with my book taken over by a wakeful baby and so I still haven't recovered from somehow managing to throw Iz's birthday party on Saturday, especially since Leelo's been sick since Monday (which was a school holiday for both kids) and so hasn't had therapy in days and days except for one hour this morning when Therapist F had a scheduling conflict (not her fault) and had to come two hours late and our boy is darling but lately a complete nut to take care of. GAAAH!
Irony: We've had two up-all-nighters this week. Neither because of Mali, who still (knuckles firmly tapping wood) sleeps really well. No. It's the other kids who provided the puke-and-piss wee hours symphonies. Thank heavens for our darling easy baby, otherwise Seymour and I would have lost track of our sanity weeks ago.
Thankfully I am healthy and Mali is healthy and there you go.
Iz has been spending her sick time watching Iron Chef America. Seymour has been watching Battlestar Galactica (which, from the snippets I caught, seemed excellent). Leelo has been using good language in having us "play with Tubbies on the compuTER!," a site which is actually quite engrossing. I could make those bunnies hop for hours.
'Cause, you know, I can do that with one hand.
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